Sunday, December 6, 2009

psychic test and money

Yes, you have to pay real money to get real food and real shelter, but doesn't one also have to do REAL work to get that REAL money? I see little difference between psychic test and common thieves. In fact, I much rather be a common thief, that way there isn't any deception to it. When someone's been robbed by a thief, there aren't any dilusions that go with it. "I've been robbed", or "my purse has been stolen", or "my wallet's been lifted", and that's it. The psychic goes through a lot of crap to tell people things they, most commonly, already know, to take their money just the same way a theif did. Neither worked for the money! And a sap who walks out of a psychic's booth (or whatever) doesn't say "I've been robbed", they honestly think they've spent their money on something worth while (even if their subconscious has to go to great lengths to be sure the psychic's predictions come true).
Now, my "flashes" don't quite fit the mold of "psychic" who might charge, but if I ever got a handle on them, and could produce them as neccesary, I doubt I'd ever charge for them. The time my little sparkle works the least is always the same time I'm trying to make it happen. I can't imagine the pressure to produce on payment helping matters much. If we're talking a prescient, then hows this for the question: Would you tell someone (a stranger) if you suddenly knew horrible news about them? I have on several occasions, and have been
The second criterion I use, which is related to the first, is how useful the information they give me turns out to be.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

psychic test healing

I believe the chief arrogance of scientists is to insist that the un-known may only be measured by way of the known, i.e. scientific method. It is what I would compare to an insistent assertion that if a magnetic tape can not be played on a Tuba then it does not contain music. Scientific method is specifically designed to remove subjective elements, so what of elements which may only be experienced subjectively an a psychic test?
During a time of serious illness years ago I noticed what appeared to be small circles of color which I sensed with inner vision arising on my body. These seemed to be polarized, only appearing in pairs, and with opposite polarity. I found that by touching the two poles with my two hands, I sensed a circuit of energy flowing through my hands from the circles. It seemed that this flow neutralized the imbalance which existed between the circles. My very severe pain was very noticeably reduced by my laying on of hands to my own body.
Years later during a period when I worked as a nurses aid, I noticed that a few patients on whom I had surreptitiously performed this operation while pretending to adjust sheets, or while performing everyday body care, commented on feeling much better afterwards . I made the serious mistake one day of admitting what I had been doing to one patient who had exclaimed that my hands felt extremely hot, but noticed that her severe pain had all but disappeared. She insisted on knowing what I was doing. Within one day, the predominately Philippine (therefor more inclined toward superstition I thought) staff made it known to me that many of them believed I was a witch! and she wanted me to even take a psychic test ! I never again had the easy trust of the other staff members and in fact was subjected to quite uncomfortable scrutiny. The woman patient who had extracted my secret was so excited about my ability that she radiated an energy which made it impossible for me to give her the same relief from pain again, it was as though her attention to my actions made them impossible. This was not self-consciousness on my part but a physical or energy interference.
As far as scientific research regarding this energy goes, it is often said that the hands of people channeling this energy feel hot to the subject, and so I would say there is clearly a transference of energy. My opinion is that whenever there is an expression of the Divine through the medium of physical matter there is bound to be a corresponding physical mechanism in operation which may possibly be measured. However I wonder at the use of seeking the 'source' of the effect in the physical medium. Perhaps this is like seeking the source of a musical phrase by picking up a trumpet and physically looking into it after the player has gone.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

psychic powers gift combined

The fascinating thing is that human traits, such as intuition, will power and charisma, are also psychic powers combined from the basic psychic gifts! People with strong will power or large charisma do not tend to see themselves as psychic, but in terms of brain waves they are easily placed: Charisma is a combination of the 'recieve present' gift, in the form of reading the minds of those around him, and a strong 'transmit past' power that actually allows him to subtly alter his own personality by changing his past, in such a way that the personality is more agreeable to the person he has just met (and mind-red)! This incredible discovery has been verified through brain wave readings many times in the laboratory. Similarly, 'will power' and 'being visionary' is nothing but a 'recieve future' and a 'transmit future'-psychic power combined.

As we can see, there have been experimental observations of brain waves for all nine positions on this grid - except one. The 'recieve future'+'transmit past' brain wave has not been observed in the laboratory yet, but the GUPT predicts that a psychic power of such a type MUST exist! It turns out (Fig. 7) that if you add *all* brain wave patterns in this grid together (including the theoretical RF+TP power) you get a flat line -- which is exactly what is demanded in standard neurology for a consistent brain function. Therefore, this power must exist, but it has not (yet) been observed

psychic abilities test

Does this sound complicated? Don't worry, it isn't. Let us take an example to truly underline how incredible this result is: Let us take the case of a healer. A healer, while healing, has some interesting brain waves, that don't fit into the basic grid of psychic powers. But, if you add the brain wave patterns of 'recieve present' and 'transmit future', we get an almost perfect match! (Fig 5). How is this to be interpreted? Simple. A healer does nothing more than combine two psychic abilities, each of which on its own is relatively useful. She has a 'recieve present' power, which allows her to psychically recieve the problems of her client. She then uses a 'transmit future' power to alter the client's future in a way so that the problems will not bother her later. This is the way healing works. Simple, yet incredible! I'm not saying healers know that this is the way they are working. Many healers admit blankly that they do not know how their powers work. The GUPT explains it, and also lends strong scientific backing to the exploration and research into making healing more effective. Interestingly, the similar group of 'aura healers' have completely different brain waves. it turns out (Fig. 6) that they use a combination of 'recieve past' and 'transmit past'! This is clear enough, based on the knowledge of auras we have today. It is known (4) that many problems in our auras today stem from a trauma in the past, which left a 'dent' in the aura. To heal this dent, the aura healer uses his 'recieve past' gift to psychically 'read' the trauma in his client's aura. He then uses a 'transmit past' ability, not unlike retrokinesis, to alter the aura's damage in the past. The result is an instant healing in the present!

psychic powers

Our research has shown a strong correlation between the brain waves of the psychic and the type of psychic phenomena taking place. It has been well known for some time that the brain in its different states produces different types of waves, referred to as the 'alpha', 'beta', 'theta' and 'delta' waves. These waves can be measured using an EEG (electro-emcephalograph) (3). There is a measurable similarity between the conjuction of different types of brain waves in a telepathist and a remote seer, or a psychic photographer and a spoon bender. On figure 1, we see the high theta spike from all the 'recieve present'-type psychics, a spike which is completely absent from any of the 'transmit present' types. Similarly, the peaks on the alpha and beta on the 'transmit past' are almost the mirror image of the 'recieve future'. (Fig. 2).

As before mentioned, these six types of psychic powers are all different ways for the psychic to manipulate time. This is the essence of a psychic power. Now, the three powers in the 'recieve' row are all powers that in some way 'funnel' time into the psychic, while in the 'transmit/alter' row the psychic can 'spew' time. This is clearly refected in the brain waves of the two different rows, where they are practically inverse of eachother (fig. 3).
Now, the fascinating thing about this -- and, we dare say, the foundation upon which the GUPT is built -- is nature's capacity to *combine* two psychic powers, as long as one of them is a 'recieve' power, and one is a 'transmit' power. By simply adding the two brain wave functions of two compatible psychic powers, we get a new brainwave (Fig. 4). This resultant brain wave corresponds almost exactly to the brain waves of psychics which other powers! This has been experimentally verified, and has yielded some fascinating new insights into the nature of the human mind and paranormal abilities.

psychic test: TIME IS NOT STATIC

Well, the first observation to make is this:
It has been well known in paranormal circles for decades that some humans indeed do have an ability to recieve information from the past (as in Past Life Regression) and from the future (such as clairvoyance). It is also possible to alter the future and past, although this is less common. Altering the past is called Retrokinesis (1), and altering the future is a process referred to as Fate Bending, used almost exclusively by Voodoo Priests in certain african tribes (2).
For the sake of the GUPT, I will now write up some fundamental psychic powers in a grid, positioning them according to time and action:
PAST PRESENT FUTURE --------------------------------------------------- Recieve Past Life Telepathy Clairvoyance Regression --------------------------------------------------- Transmit Retro- Telekinesis Fate Bending /Alter Kinesis ---------------------------------------------------
This grid should be read as follows: For instance, 'Telepathy' is in the 'recieve' row and the 'present' column. This indicates that telepathy is a paranormal ability that allows the 'seer' to receive from the present. In the same way, 'telekinesis' is a process to transmit or alter the present through psychic means.
All basic psychic abilities can be placed somewhere in this grid. For instance, something like psychic photography is also in the 'telekinesis' box, since it alters the present. Therefore, it is prudent to view psychic abilities not as isolated abilities, but as 'representatives' of one of the six greater categories of psychic powers.


Have you ever wondered why some people seem to have more will power than others? And why some people just seem to automatically know what to say and do at the right time? Why some people just seem to be automatically likeable for no reason? And why some people have psychic powers, and others do not?
Well, now a group of psychology professors has made a breakthrough in understanding the finer mechanisms of the human psyche. The answers to the above questions can all be answered by applying this new knowledge, a theory called "The Grand Unified Paranormal Theory".
The psychology, neurochemistry and psychics behind the theory are quite advanced, but the main points are easily explained and understood. What makes this theory so special is its ability to predict psychic powers in individuals based on brain waves.
So, what does the Grand Unified Paranormal Theory (GUPT) tell us?

Sunday, October 11, 2009

psychic test and psychic ability

I have certain friends who appear to have a high degree of psychic ability and when they tell me their thoughts I listen and then check it out for myself. I don't just blindly accept what they say. But they also don't go around telling everyone what to do or how to live, etc. They only respond when asked.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

psychic test - inner voice

When you go to a party and jabber all night long with strangers, you are delighted finding out all this stuff about other people at the time. (what else you going to do?:) The next day you are moody and have a headache maybe. The subconscious can be overloaded. The party can cause a psychic upheaval. In attempting to make sense of the actually bizarre conversations you had the night before, the subconscious has a very difficult time doing this because the fact of the matter is a lot of what you and the people you talked to didn't actually make all that much sense even though at the time it appeared to. Excessive talk overloads the subconscious. It dissipates energy and monks take vows of silence (mouna in yoga) to accomplish the reverse. Silence allows a collectedness. A walk through the forest allows you to unwind some of the endless jabber that constantly plagues your mind.
The inner voice rattles on and on and on in all our waking hours. Like a radio that has been on so long you have forgotten there IS an off-switch. Yogic concentration is about mind control. Deliberately willing thoughts to cease. This does not mean a blank, dull, lethargic staring into space. It means an intense awareness of being in the Eternal Now. In samadhi you are so alive that you can not move. The mechanical thinking mind is like a butterfly trying to swim underwater. Painful for awareness/consciousness to get back into because it is so clunky. And then, to move the physical body - well - that is like the man in the moon. Sure as hell ain't me. Thats the sort of thing you go through coming out of samadhi. You clearly see how distinct you are from both the mind and the body - and a great big smile comes to your face knowing this.
By controlling the inner, the outer automatically comes under control. You are the creator of all you attract. Everything that happens is the result of everything that has happened. Every single electron - even in distant galaxys is doing exactly as it 'should' be.
Theres lots more to this sort of stuff. There is also the sub of the subconscious mind. The sub-superconscious mind. The instinctive mind/instinctive reactions/the aura. There are mystical games like thought watching.
There is something in you that never ever changes. We were never born and can not die

Monday, October 5, 2009

psychic test

If you are around people that drink and you are not drinking and do not want drink, you have to very carefully watch what you think/put into your subconscious because it is likely that you will develop the subconscious desire to drink at some point in the future. These desires are called samskaras in yoga. Subconscious desires. If you do not monitor it, you may in the future be provided the opportunity to drink and because you are unaware of a lurking subconscious desire you put in your brain earier (or many of them) you will have to suppress the desire. You can only do this for so long. The way to not supress desires (become subject to karma) is to understand your thoughts. Repressions can not stand the light of understanding. Once understood, they evaporate. If you do not put the wrong thoughts in your mind to start with, they will not crop up in the first place in the future to begin with.
Thought watching is a mystical activity I learned from Satguru Subramunia. It is only spiritual people that can ultimately be successful at this because the ego hides many things from your conscious mind that are not pleasant to you. Only from ruthless fearless inner scrutiny and relentless persistence of this activity do these skeletons in your closet emerge. For such inner strength normally yoga or some other means is required. It is also by this means (and mantra and samadhi) that past lives can be recalled. By thought watching I mean at sudden unexpected intervals - interrupting yourself and asking 'what am I doing?' Then track backward in your thinking to discover the desire that led you to be doing what it is that you are doing (in yoga this would be to discover what attachments you have to the material world that hold you bound to the wheel of karma/birth and death from desire). Then ask - 'What was I thinking?' Then track backward to discover the origin of this like of thinking. It is a very telling means of discovering how you can be led to think and believe very bizarre things by ego.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

psychic test - future

Not only does the subconscious make sense of the events of the day in terms of all your experiences in life, the unconscious past-life experiences are then updated with this new data from that days experiences. Karma is dispersed/desires that cause re-birth undone. But in those same experiences are the fresh seed so new desires/karma. In this way the soul makes sense out of incarnations and evolves. The same thing happens when a person believes they are going to die. Their life 'flashes before their eyes.' The soul does an accounting via the subconscious (and unconscious) of remaining desires/karma yet needed to be satisfied - it takes a snapshot of what may need to go to seed in the astral body at death. Superconsciousness of the soul does not take place in time and space. It operates at infinite 'speed.' Note that in clinical psychology the use of the word unconscious now refers to the brain stem and lower animal brain. Here I refer to the unconscious in the sense Carl Jung uses it more or less. Psychology has seen fit to remove the word subconscious from them also. I guess all those hypnotists out there and the mesmerism that preceeded it was all false/wrong...... It doesn't matter how cute (stupid) psychology gets, it is now the right brain hemisphere - a fact I strongly doubt psychologists even know themselves. Stupidity abounds.
The subconscious is like a little dog that follows the conscious mind around. It operates 24 hours a day everyday until you 'die'. Like animals, the subconscious mind has no sense of humor whatsoever. Worse, it has no clue what humor is. It is the part of the brain that 'gets the joke'. But it is the left brain that generates laughter. If you speak ironically/satirically/or are facious, you do yourself no favors. All this does is confuse the subconscious. If you say something like 'I will fix this if I can.' This is a demonstration of your inability of how the subconscious works. The subconscious has no clue what to do with such a combination of words. What does 'if I can' mean? You have to give it statements like I will do this. Or I will not do this. Never say something like, 'I always forget what that word means.' The subconscious takes everything you say verbatim. By saying that you actually reinforce a behavior you do not like so that it will happen exactly the same way in the future.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

psychic test - sleep

There is no limit to how much you can learn by understanding that you are 2 people. Your right brain is your subconscious that does not use words and is where intuition from the soul (superconsciousness) filters through - because this part of the brain is not saddled with cumbersome words. Stated another way, intuition comes through the subconscious. Understanding happens in the subconscious and then the conscious mind attempts to read the word label off the bucket the image match happened. The conscious mind is the left hemisphere of the brain and is responsible for language and laughter. It is an OUTPUT device only. Just like you printer is clunky and slow - so is your conscious mind saddled with words. The right brain/subconscious is an analog device - it is continuous and not discrete. It can operate at enormous speeds as soon as the clunky conscious mind gets out of the way in sleep.
The left hemisphere of the brain is the conscious mind and this is what needs to be rested in sleep. (not exactly, the subconscious fills up and creates a need to sort out the data for the soul to make sense out of it and it can only do so when the clunky conscious mind gets out of the way. The subconscious never rests.) The same problem crops up in concentration and meditation. If you take a piece of paper and punch a small hole in it and do the same with another sheet of paper, one sheet can be thought of as the conscious mind and the other the subconscious mind. To be successful in meditation both the conscious mind and subconscious mind must work together. Seen in these terms, the 2 holes i n the sheet of paper must line up for you to 'see'. The goal then becomes lining up the 2 holes and this takes steadying the mind/not moving around/jumping from thought to thought. In sleep the subconscious makes sense out of the events of the day for the soul. This is like a good meal for the soul to evolve with.

Friday, October 2, 2009

psychic test - dreams

In dream we move through images only/there is no need for cumbersome words. Recollection of dreams leads to bizarre explanations of our actions in dreams. Dream logic is not the same as conscious logic. It is far more accurate because to use a word is to stuff an image into a box no matter how well it fits/something is lost in the translation from image(s) to words.
So we may recall a dream we had the night before (understanding in the right brain of images) - proceed to congradulate ourselves at having done so - only to return to the memory and find it GONE! Why does this happen? Because the follow-on images from the image we recalled have no corresponding words associated with them. So the conscious mind looks for images based on conscious logic. Not dream logic/wordless logic. It fails and we can not remember any more.
Further, things can happen in dreams at an enormous rate of speed. Sometimes we have a dream and the knowledge filters down through the subconscious in days or weeks or even months (then we have deja vu because we have no clue how we 'we have been there before.') From Thought Mechanics I show that when a pattern match is found with the pattern-matching algorithm holographically comes up with a match - 'understanding' takes place. It 'dawns' on us what a thing is. That is why deja vu is this experience. We understand something. We 're - cognize' something. Unfortunately, the thing we understand happened long ago and the conscious mind can no longer make the association/connection. When we see a building or something, for whatever reason, this triggers a dream-logic image sequence. Understanding happens and we are perplexed consciously and mistake the understanding that happens with the building as one of having been there before.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

psychic test - rem sleep

In deep sleep you are not at the same vibratory rate for them to tune into. Healing has a chance of greater success because the person may be in bed resting in a semi-awake state and receptive to you. By so-called imagination, you can heal someone. There is no such thing as 'imagination.' That word should be thrown out of our vocabulary. If you imagine something you create it. You just don't create it on the physical plane. Before you move your arm consciously, you must think it/imagine doing it. This thinking of doing it is action on the astral plane. The astral arm moves and as a result the physical arm responds. Phantom limb has to do with this as well.
We spend 1/3 of our lives in the astral world/dream world and yet it is given no reality. In my post Thought Mechanics I show what transpires in thinking. The same holds for dreaming. Dreaming is (can be) wordless/happen at enormous speeds - what people call 'deep dreamless sleep' - there is no such thing. In deep sleep we are at a rate of vibration so high we are disconnected with the physical plane. REM does not show up. If a transformer is placed on a table with a penny and it vibrates 50 (Europe) or 60 (US) cycles per second, it buzzes noisily. But if you increase the rate of vibration to one million CPS the penny appears not to move at all.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

psychic test - thoughts

Thought watching is a mystical activity I learned from Satguru Subramunia. It is only spiritual people that can ultimately be successful at this because the ego hides many things from your conscious mind that are not pleasant to you. Only from ruthless fearless inner scrutiny and relentless ...

If you visualize someone's picture strongly you 'call' that person. 'Dead' or alive. It doesn't matter whether it is pixels or paper. What matters is the forming and holding of the image in your mind. It is also helpful to recall the sound of their voice. Say their name. Theres no good way to explain it. I wouldn't believe it myself if I did not have certain experiences in yoga. The experiences show you it IS possible so you know your not wasting your time. The practice of concentration, holding your mind to one thing or idea/your attention span fixated on one thing however takes great skill as well as manipulating the third eye.
Its sort of like it is much easier to understand what other people are saying in another language. But it is much more difficult to speak yourself in that language because you lack confidence. In the same way, not having psychic experiences a person only half believes in what they are doing by visualizing someone. This confidence is a great boost. Then, you get a knack for it by practice which again is a big help. Many things influence your success that are outside of your control. If the person is beginning to go to sleep you have the best chance of success. In waking consciousness, your inner voice is basically shouting so loud you can not perceive anything else.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

psychic test - psychology

The subconscious is like a little dog that follows the conscious mind around. It operates 24 hours a day everyday until you 'die'. Like animals, the subconscious mind has no sense of humor whatsoever. Worse, it has no clue what humor is. It is the part of the brain that 'gets the joke'. But it is the left brain that generates laughter. If you speak ironically/satirically/or are facious, you do yourself no favors. All this does is confuse the subconscious. If you say something like 'I will fix this if I can.' This is a demonstration of your inability of how the subconscious works. The subconscious has no clue what to do with such a combination of words. What does 'if I can' mean? You have to give it statements like I will do this. Or I will not do this. Never say something like, 'I always forget what that word means.' The subconscious takes everything you say verbatim. By saying that you actually reinforce a behavior you do not like so that it will happen exactly the same way in the future.
If you are around people that drink and you are not drinking and do not want drink, you have to very carefully watch what you think/put into your subconscious because it is likely that you will develop the subconscious desire to drink at some point in the future. These desires are called samskaras in yoga. Subconscious desires. If you do not monitor it, you may in the future be provided the opportunity to drink and because you are unaware of a lurking subconscious desire you put in your brain earier (or many of them) you will have to suppress the desire. You can only do this for so long. The way to not supress desires (become subject to karma) is to understand your thoughts. Repressions can not stand the light of understanding. Once understood, they evaporate. If you do not put the wrong thoughts in your mind to start with, they will not crop up in the first place in the future to begin with. psychic reading

Sunday, September 27, 2009

psychic test - subconscious

Not only does the subconscious make sense of the events of the day in terms of all your experiences in life, the unconscious past-life experiences are then updated with this new data from that days experiences. Karma is dispersed/desires that cause re-birth undone. But in those same experiences are the fresh seed so new desires/karma. In this way the soul makes sense out of incarnations and evolves. The same thing happens when a person believes they are going to die. Their life 'flashes before their eyes.' The soul does an accounting via the subconscious (and unconscious) of remaining desires/karma yet needed to be satisfied - it takes a snapshot of what may need to go to seed in the astral body at death. Superconsciousness of the soul does not take place in time and space. It operates at infinite 'speed.' Note that in clinical psychology the use of the word unconscious now refers to the brain stem and lower animal brain. Here I refer to the unconscious in the sense Carl Jung uses it more or less. Psychology has seen fit to remove the word subconscious from them also. I guess all those hypnotists out there and the mesmerism that preceeded it was all false/wrong...... It doesn't matter how cute (stupid) psychology gets, it is now the right brain hemisphere - a fact I strongly doubt psychologists even know themselves. Stupidity abounds.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

psychic test analog devices

There is no limit to how much you can learn by understanding that you are 2 people. Your right brain is your subconscious that does not use words and is where intuition from the soul (superconsciousness) filters through - because this part of the brain is not saddled with cumbersome words. Stated another way, intuition comes through the subconscious. Understanding happens in the subconscious and then the conscious mind attempts to read the word label off the bucket the image match happened. The conscious mind is the left hemisphere of the brain and is responsible for language and laughter. It is an OUTPUT device only. Just like you printer is clunky and slow - so is your conscious mind saddled with words. The right brain/subconscious is an analog device - it is continuous and not discrete. It can operate at enormous speeds as soon as the clunky conscious mind gets out of the way in sleep.
The left hemisphere of the brain is the conscious mind and this is what needs to be rested in sleep. (not exactly, the subconscious fills up and creates a need to sort out the data for the soul to make sense out of it and it can only do so when the clunky conscious mind gets out of the way. The subconscious never rests.) The same problem crops up in concentration and meditation. If you take a piece of paper and punch a small hole in it and do the same with another sheet of paper, one sheet can be thought of as the conscious mind and the other the subconscious mind. To be successful in meditation both the conscious mind and subconscious mind must work together. Seen in these terms, the 2 holes i n the sheet of paper must line up for you to 'see'. The goal then becomes lining up the 2 holes and this takes steadying the mind/not moving around/jumping from thought to thought. In sleep the subconscious makes sense out of the events of the day for the soul. This is like a good meal for the soul to evolve with. psychic test

Friday, September 25, 2009

psychic test - understanding people

So we may recall a dream we had the night before (understanding in the right brain of images) - proceed to congradulate ourselves at having done so - only to return to the memory and find it GONE! Why does this happen? Because the follow-on images from the image we recalled have no corresponding words associated with them. So the conscious mind looks for images based on conscious logic. Not dream logic/wordless logic. It fails and we can not remember any more.
Further, things can happen in dreams at an enormous rate of speed. Sometimes we have a dream and the knowledge filters down through the subconscious in days or weeks or even months (then we have deja vu because we have no clue how we 'we have been there before.') From Thought Mechanics I show that when a pattern match is found with the pattern-matching algorithm holographically comes up with a match - 'understanding' takes place. It 'dawns' on us what a thing is. That is why deja vu is this experience. We understand something. We 're - cognize' something. Unfortunately, the thing we understand happened long ago and the conscious mind can no longer make the association/connection. When we see a building or something, for whatever reason, this triggers a dream-logic image sequence. Understanding happens and we are perplexed consciously and mistake the understanding that happens with the building as one of having been there before.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

psychic test - meaning of dreams

In deep sleep you are not at the same vibratory rate for them to tune into. Healing has a chance of greater success because the person may be in bed resting in a semi-awake state and receptive to you. By so-called imagination, you can heal someone. There is no such thing as 'imagination.' That word should be thrown out of our vocabulary. If you imagine something you create it. You just don't create it on the physical plane. Before you move your arm consciously, you must think it/imagine doing it. This thinking of doing it is action on the astral plane. The astral arm moves and as a result the physical arm responds. Phantom limb has to do with this as well.
We spend 1/3 of our lives in the astral world/dream world and yet it is given no reality. In my post Thought Mechanics I show what transpires in thinking. The same holds for dreaming. Dreaming is (can be) wordless/happen at enormous speeds - what people call 'deep dreamless sleep' - there is no such thing. In deep sleep we are at a rate of vibration so high we are disconnected with the physical plane. REM does not show up. If a transformer is placed on a table with a penny and it vibrates 50 (Europe) or 60 (US) cycles per second, it buzzes noisily. But if you increase the rate of vibration to one million CPS the penny appears not to move at all.
In dream we move through images only/there is no need for cumbersome words. Recollection of dreams leads to bizarre explanations of our actions in dreams. Dream logic is not the same as conscious logic. It is far more accurate because to use a word is to stuff an image into a box no matter how well it fits/something is lost in the translation from image(s) to words.
more information: meaning of dreams

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

psychic test - mental picture

If you visualize someone's picture strongly you 'call' that person. 'Dead' or alive. It doesn't matter whether it is pixels or paper. What matters is the forming and holding of the image in your mind. It is also helpful to recall the sound of their voice. Say their name. Theres no good way to explain it. I wouldn't believe it myself if I did not have certain experiences in yoga. The experiences show you it IS possible so you know your not wasting your time. The practice of concentration, holding your mind to one thing or idea/your attention span fixated on one thing however takes great skill as well as manipulating the third eye.
Its sort of like it is much easier to understand what other people are saying in another language. But it is much more difficult to speak yourself in that language because you lack confidence. In the same way, not having psychic experiences a person only half believes in what they are doing by visualizing someone. This confidence is a great boost. Then, you get a knack for it by practice which again is a big help. Many things influence your success that are outside of your control. If the person is beginning to go to sleep you have the best chance of success. In waking consciousness, your inner voice is basically shouting so loud you can not perceive anything else.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

psychic test - psychic forces

TO WHAT FORCE DO WE LISTEN? When you're engaged in serving mankind there is no outside influence that can stop you! But if you're busy serving yourself, you fall victim to the forces that try to enslave you to a level of interest, that is so far below human capability, that it would scare any person who's still capable of thinking! The secrecy that is perpetrated by our governments, is the very same type of delusion and/or enslavement our governments have fallen victims to themselves! In the present moment, the world is in the grip of what could be considered a negative force. It is the result of a trade off between the USA government and alien forces, that stresses technology over honesty and/or peace. Presumably certain deals have been made with these alien forces and certain USA government departments have been deceived! It is assumed that a considerable force of aliens are present at underground locations all over the world. So what? Do we have more right to the earth than they have? However, the whole world becomes upset, when they start stealing the farmer's cows, but we have been stealing honey from the bees for ages! Who is to stop them from doing what we do?

psychic test: UNIVERSE

THE UNIVERSE OR UNIVERSAL MIND IS ONE! When we are able to experience all energy vibrations or dimensions of the universal mind, we will soon discover that the visible and the invisible universes have merged. All universes are really one! Since we as human beings experience certain vibrations only, we therefore experience certain aspects of the universe only! The aspects we experience form the physical reality or the Plane of Separation. All things seem to be separated from each other. This experience however; is an illusion! We have purposely chosen to experience this illusion by living life as human beings! Life as a human being therefore is a celebration! We are the Essence of the universe and we have succeeded in creating a "vehicle" for our Mind/Soul to live in that allows us to experience specific aspects of our creation only! It's an absolutely astounding achievement!!! However, when Godbeings separate themselves from their own Wholeness, they invariably get lost in their creation or dream! This is what has happened to mankind! We are aspects of our own universal mind and at this moment we dream that we are separate entities living in a body that is subjected to time and space. In order for us to return to our Source or Wholeness, we must awaken and attain Cosmic Consciousness. Also called; The Christ or Buddha Consciousness. We are this Consciousness, but do not know it! Eventually all human beings will attain the levels of awareness necessary to promote themselves to the higher levels of consciousness or mind. Yes, by all means remember that we're not here because we have sinned and have been kicked out of Heaven. We are here to experience our physical reality!

psychic test: time and space

ABOUT TIME AND SPACE - THE CENTER POLES OF PHYSICAL REALITY! We experience time and space when we are awake. And even then, depending on our activity; time and space are quite flexible. The duration of time and the volume of space, depend on our attention or focus. The more we focus on either, the more pronounced they become! This proves that time and space are actually created by us and when we are unconscious or asleep we stop creating them. Time and space are the center-poles of our matter reality or physical world. They form the psycho-physical background of our day to day existence. The more attention we give them, the more they acquire! They are flexible components or conditions. Time and Space are created by our mind, our brain and our senses, working in a synchronizing energy field. The reality of time and space are generated by this special energy field that we are involuntarily subjected to, as long as we live in a physical body. Time and space, in and by themselves, do not exist and we become more and more aware of them when we focus upon them and thus co- create them. Time and space are each other's opposite. Time is the result of movement and space is the distance traveled during this movement. Time and space are also each other's mirror images. There is no time without space and no space without time. Time and space are a continuum! WE CREATE SPACE BY DEFAULT. The universe around us is like an ocean full of vibrating energy in which we swim. Different energies in this ocean vibrate in different patterns and frequencies and these differences create different kinds of matter or substances. Certain patterns and frequencies of vibration are noticed by our sensory system and the substances that are experienced as material or solid substances form our physical world and universe. The majority of the activities that take place in our environment however, are beyond our grasp. We experience only a small aspect of the total action! The total activity IS the universal mind or the entire ocean of vibrations! Aspects of this mind that are not noticed by us, leave openings and this gives us the false or illusionary impression, that these openings are empty spaces. We do not notice the energies that occupy these many openings because the energies or objects that are there, are created by vibrating energies with frequencies we cannot sense and therefore belong to another dimension. We as human beings are not made to experience these other energy densities of the Universal Mind. They belong to the astral and/or higher dimensions. The energy-bodies of our deceased relatives could be standing right beside us, but most people would never notice them, because we are not attuned to the frequencies of the next dimension or density! All realities, activities, objects or things are consciousness or mind in vibration! The aspects we see or experience of this ocean of vibrating mind; we call our surroundings. The things we do not sense or experience are dismissed by us. However, they are still aspects of our surroundings. Our invisible surroundings! We just do not notice these invisible energy vibrations, but they occupy the openings or room we call space. We look right through these energies, and therefore; we create space by default!
SPACE IS FULL OF ENERGY VIBRATIONS. In other words: space is not nothingness or empty!! It is full of energy vibrations that are not noticed or sensed by us. When we live in a human body, physical reality is the main vibration of the universal mind we are able to experience. This vibration or reality includes time and space for they are the most important aspects of the scenery or stage we perform on. Physical reality is a minuscule aspect of the infinite spectrum of energy vibrations we call the universal mind.

psychic test: space

ABOUT TIME AND SPACE - THE CENTER POLES OF PHYSICAL REALITY! We experience time and space when we are awake. And even then, depending on our activity; time and space are quite flexible. The duration of time and the volume of space, depend on our attention or focus. The more we focus on either, the more pronounced they become! This proves that time and space are actually created by us and when we are unconscious or asleep we stop creating them. Time and space are the center-poles of our matter reality or physical world. They form the psycho-physical background of our day to day existence. The more attention we give them, the more they acquire! They are flexible components or conditions. Time and Space are created by our mind, our brain and our senses, working in a synchronizing energy field. The reality of time and space are generated by this special energy field that we are involuntarily subjected to, as long as we live in a physical body. Time and space, in and by themselves, do not exist and we become more and more aware of them when we focus upon them and thus co- create them. Time and space are each other's opposite. Time is the result of movement and space is the distance traveled during this movement. Time and space are also each other's mirror images. There is no time without space and no space without time. Time and space are a continuum!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

psychic test - believe it or not?

psychic could very well be reading one's mind, instead of some universal mind (as you call it) or communicating with spirits or obtaining the information by some other unearthly means.
I've been back to the 2nd psychic a few times since my initial visit. She always knows what's on my mind. I mean, she takes the words right out of my mouth. It's astounding. She's literally reading my mind. She knows what I'm concerned about at the moment. She knows what I like and what I don't like. Spooky, but true. She knew my thoughts while I was sitting there looking at her.
It certainly makes me wonder about a lot of other things in life. I was never a very religious person, although I was brought up as a Catholic, but after visiting these psychics and getting a message from my recently deceased father, it has really made me reconsider the possibility of an afterlife.
To each his own. My very own brother is the skeptical type. He won't even go see a psychic if I pay for him to see one. He's that closed-minded. He says he's made his mind up about psychics based upon reading he's done and TV shows from the skeptical perspective and that sort of thing. Why he wouldn't want to confirm or deny such a phenomenon first hand, is beyond me?!? I did so, and I can confidently say I came out of those encounters with psychics as one who is convinced there is something to the phenomenon. It's not just guessing and cold reading. It's way beyond that if you go see a real psychic.
psychic test

psychic test is this real ?

I never was a believer in psyhics myself. I thought they were a joke. In fact, I really didn't think much of them at all. I thought it was just 1-900 nonsense like the Psychic Friends Network.
But, I went to see a psychic last year and I was very impressed. The woman did a tarot card reading for me. She didn't know me from a doorknob, yet somehow described my life very accurately, even down to personal concerns between me and my fiance'. Things that you couldn't guess about acurately. Like specific things we had discussed. The woman did not perform a cold reading, she did not ask me probing questions of any kind.
So, I was intrigued and I went to see another psychic. I just called her out of the blue and requested a reading. 15 minutes later I was sitting in front of her. She knew nothing at all about me. I didn't give her my name or anything. She proceeded to describe the events of my life very accurately. I went through a major depression as a teenager and she described it to a tee. She also describe my family members very accurately and my concerns about the future. Again, she did not perform a cold reading, she did not ask probing questions.
I had a recent encounter with a psychic medium at a psychic fair. Again, this person had never met me and knew nothing about me and again did not ask a lot of questions (a cold reading). He picked up on the fact that my father had passed away recently and proceeded to pass along information about my father and messages from him. The information about my father was very accurate. My father was not an easy person to guess about, because he didn't have a lot of hobbies or personality traits. But, this medium described my father perfectly, the fact that he loved to read and always sat in his favorite chair. The messages he passed on from my father sounded very much like what my dad would say. My father described heaven as a place where you are reunited with deceased family members and friends and your knowledge and resources are limitless.
Try pyschics out before passing judgement based upon some closed-minded skeptic or some HBO show. I've read skeptics accounts of John Edward's show and they aren't an accurate portrayal of how he conducts his show. Be skeptical of skeptics.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

psychic test: pet silent language

All animals are constantly communicating with one another through the silent language. Clearly and without question, all animals on earth have the power to communicate silently with one another. This power is shared by even plant and vegetable life, fish of the sea, the tiniest organisms squiggling beneath the microscope. At one time in human history, it seems certain, we shared that same power. We have, however, gradually lost and forgotten it as our conscious, verbal means of communication became more and more dominant. In that way, the discovery of our pet's psychic powers is a rediscovery of our own.
A pet may not always be able to understand or interpret all that it perceives in its owner, but in all cases the psychic realm is modulating and informing your pet's behaviour. Whether you choose to or not, you are sending psychic waves which most animals can automatically receive. That is why some animals seem to be such precise and instinctual judges of human character, why some people seem to have such immediate friendships with animals while others find themselves avoided or mistrusted. We have all seen examples of this and have, to one degree or another, explained it by acknowledging certain hidden perceptual powers in animals. Yet even those who recognize and trust the perceptions of their animals often fail to take the next step.
Those moments of extraordinary perception we see in animals are connected to a full and complete system of understanding which is always in operation. Once we can recognize this body of psychic knowledge, this arsenal of psychic skills in our animals, we can enter into a wholly unique and intense relationship with our pets based on their - and our own - psychic powers, and allow our pets to teach us a silent language we once knew, but have lost over the ages

psychic tes: the animals kingdom

Can every pet be a psychic pet?

Just as there are intellectual and emotional limits in humans, there are limits beyond which many a pet cannot pass. In fact, some animal companions are even dull, due to such factors as over-breeding, in-breeding, biochemical misfortunes, or psychological traumas. There are also certain limits characteristic of the different species. Yet despite all of the innate. qualities which can affect a pet's psychic ability, none is quite so important as the human's ability to communicate with the animal. . Even the least psychic of animals can, if properly approached, teach us a great deal about the sixth sense.
Nowhere is the complexity and psychic rigorousness of nonhuman social life better illustrated than in the kingdom of the honey bee. One of the most cogent descriptions of the intricate world of
the bee appeared in The First New England Catalogue. The author, Eugene Keyarts, brilliantly captures the intense social life of this common insect:
In a colony, the queen is capable of laying 2000 eggs every day. She has the ability to control the sex of each of these eggs and determines whether an egg shall hatch as a worker (female) or drone (male). There is no such thing as a `queen bee egg.' It is impossible for a queen to reproduce one of her own kind. The creation or conception of a queen bee is solely the decision of worker bees.
When an old queen dies or abdicates, potential queens are selected by the workers. Any worker egg or larva, not more than three days old, may be chosen for the dubious honour. Incredible as it may seem, a worker egg left to develop without interference develops the complex organism that is a worker bee. She nurses the larvae, makes wax and comb, keeps the hive clean and guards against intruders, then spends the last days of her brief life . . . foraging in the fields for pollen and nectar. The worker bee performs all those chores necessary for the welfare of the colony, with one exception, that of egg-laying. But give the same worker larva a little more `Lebensraum', keep it on a strict diet of `royal jelly' and it becomes an equally complex organism - that of the queen bee - following an entirely different route of development and accomplishment. One notable change is the queen's life span, which may extend from six to eight years in comparison to the worker's short six weeks.
A queen bee does not gain her high office by descending from a royal line or by divine right. She and several other worker eggs are nominated candidates by groups of their peers throughout the hive. Those selected are given special attention and fed royal jelly, which actually transforms and prepares them for their royal duties.
When the workers have chosen an egg or larva, harbinger of a queen that may eventually reign over them, they tear down the walls of the cell in which the candidate lies and start building a queen cell around her. When completed, a queen cell, made of wax and usually attached to the side of the comb, resembles a peanut shell in size, shape and colour. As the princess advances through the larval stage, she is fed by nurse bees. The candidates feed so copiously, they actually float in a sea of royal jelly inside their cell. Royal jelly is a secretion produced by glands in the nurse bee's head. Sixteen days after the egg is laid, the fully matured princess gnaws her way out of her cell to declare her sovereignty.
Once free of her confining quarters, she sounds a high-pitched challenge to any other pretenders who may be ready to contest her right to be queen. Customarily, the workers nominate more than one candidate to strive for the high office of ruling monarch and build several queen cells at about the same time. The first princess to emerge rushes to those queen cells from which come answers to her challenge; tearing the cells to shreds, she stings her competitors to death. These assassinations continue until all her rivals have been vanquished, after which she takes a well-earned rest, then swiftly walks about on an inspection tour of her domain. She is not yet accepted by her sisters, they do not crowd around her, she must first prove herself by returning from a successful nuptial flight.
Four to ten days after her victory over her rivals, the surviving princess prepares for her wedding flight. On a bright, sunshiny day she takes wing, to mate, high in the air, with the fastest flying drone of those who pursue her. He couples with her in mid-air, dying in the act, actually exploding and depositing millions of spermatozoa in a pouch within the bride's body. The queen seldom mates more than once in her lifetime, thereafter becoming both mother and father to all the eggs she may lay . . .
Arriving home, she is immediately surrounded by the royal attendants who take care of her every need from now on. They wash, clean, massage, comb, feed her.
The new queen starts laying within forty-eight hours after mating. She inspects each cell carefully to see that it is properly cleaned and polished. Having satisfied herself that a cell is ready to receive an egg, she straddles the cell, inserts her long slender abdomen into it and leaves a single egg. Even during the few seconds required to lay an egg, the queen's royal ladies-in-waiting groom and feed her.
The endless round of egg laying is repeated over and over for the rest of the queen's life . . . A queen may lay millions of eggs in her lifetime. She controls the sex of each egg by touching it with a speck of the father's sperm to produce a sterile female worker or withholding the sperm to produce a drone. But she does not decide when or how many eggs to lay. This decision is made by the nurses. When there is sufficient pollen being harvested to feed the larvae, the nurses stuff the queen with royal jelly and she continues to lay at top speed.
When the pollen supply falls off, the nurses restrict the queen's intake of royal jelly and she immediately slows down or stops her egg laying activity

psychic pet stories: psychic test

Pet owners have an abundance of stories like these. Some of these stories demonstrate the profound instinctual powers of animals and their highly developed senses of smell and hearing. Yet others cannot be satisfactorily explained by studying the animal' biological nature, and take us beyond the five senses, beyond instinct, and into the realm of the psychic. Even those tales which demonstrate the complex (and magnificent) biological nature o animals are important and deeply instructive to humans. Yet on real education beings when we learn that our pets have powers o which we had never dreamed - powers which often surpass hums abilities!
The power of precognition. The power of ESP. The power of telepathy. And the power to experience a love so pure and deep that it can only be called cosmic. These are but some of the unique abilities your pet can display . . . if you learn how to tune into them.
How is it that our pets can read our thoughts? How do they sense our private emotions, even when we ourselves may not be fully aware of them? Many who have relationships with animals ask themselves these questions but because the answers may take them beyond the well-worn path of accepted knowledge, the questions are left unanswered.
In observing pets and their human companions, as well as through studying the literature dealing with the animal sixth sense, it has been found that those animals with the most highly developed sixth sense are usually those who are most deeply loved by their owners. If not nurtured, the sixth sense in animals will atrophy, or at least remain hidden from human observation. Though a particularly intelligent pet will develop itself and its sixth sense under most circumstances, the most remarkable communications between animal and human need a large measure of human cooperation - a co-operation based on respect for and belief in the animal's innate powers

psychic test: the Psychic Pet

On the Making of a Psychic Pet
ANYONE WHO has lived closely with his or her pet has a basic grasp of what promises to be a crucial phase in human intellectual history. While pet owners do not generally view themselves as members of a group engaged in important scientific research, the fact is that the reports of those who have observed their animals may very well be the basis for some of the most startling revelations in the study of uncanny animal behaviour.
There are many reasons why people decide to own pets - to ease their own loneliness, to protect property, or for a purpose as practical as ridding a house or barn of mice. But much to some owner's surprise, they soon realize that they have entered into a very special relationship with a creature whose powers far exceed anything which the owner had been reared to expect. Pets, originally purchased as aristocratic creatures of display to be paraded in local shows, often end up in incalculably different roles - as confidants, peers, teachers.
Those who have already experienced the mysterious power of the animal kingdom can pinpoint the exact moment when they first realized that their pet was operating on a level far different from and vastly superior to-that which the pet had first been given credit for. A cat leaps on to the telephone table and makes worried feline sounds just before the phone rings with an important message; or a dog suddenly, without warning, goes through a radical behaviour change, pacing and whining, and the owner has no idea why; an hour later, a loved one comes knocking at the door and the dog, finally, curls up in contented sleep. One close friend first glimpsed the psychic power of animals in a tragic way. Her pet canary, Lucy, began to chatter wildly something the ordinarily placid and heedless bird never did - at the sound of a bicycle being pedaled up the front walk. The cause of the commotion? A Western Union messenger was bringing news of my friend's sister's death - the sister who had given her the canary a few months earlier.

Monday, August 3, 2009

cats psychic communication

Since the birth of the cats, her canine friend had been included in the family life. He often stood guard over the litter. While his instincts told him not to touch the kittens, it seemed from his gaze and attentions that he cared for them. But when it came time for the mother to move her nest she found that she needed her friend's assistance. She brought the dog face to face with her kittens, then walked with him to where she was making her new nest. then walked with him back to her litter. Although the dog seemed baffled, the mother cat left to continue preparing the nest. The dog did show up in the new nest, but without kittens. The mother cat led him to the old nest a second time. This time, the dog got her silent message. Going against all his instincts, he gently picked up and carried each kitten, moving the fitter to its new home.
This is an instructive example of inter-species psychic communication.
Of course to an expert, the cat explained her request to the dog through body language, but without a simultaneous telepathic communication the message would not have been complete nor would it have been understood. Clearly, the cat was able to transplant a visual image into the consciousness of her canine friend, a detailed and consecutive series of images which would at once encourage the dog to do a difficult thing and give him exact instructions on how to do it.
It seems to me that if a dog can learn to understand the unspoken language of a cat, we humans have a good chance of understanding it, too. A good start to learning to penetrate the sensitive and profound inner world of the cat is to concentrate on some of the outward signs and modes of communication that we can observe in any cat

psychic sense of cats

On a more crucial level, cats have been recorded as having sensed the presence of death and of predicting all manner of disasters. The British, who in World War 11 endured the Luftwaffe's bombs, learned to depend on their cats. It was widely observed that cats had a foreknowledge of bombing raids. Even before the approaching German planes were detected on radar, cats would be seen rushing towards bomb shelters. Although there is no official count of how many British lives were saved by heeding the warning of cats, it is widely agreed that the number is a high one.
In the area of animal heroism there seem to be many more recorded cases of dogs reaching out to save human or animal life than stories about cats. Quite simply, the cat's relatively small size makes its heroism less conspicuous. And the cat's reputation for unconcern with human affairs can lead people to ignore their warnings. If a dog senses danger it can, if need be, intervene directly. It can drag a child from a burning house, tug his master forcefully by the sleeve.
But the cat can only give signs and make small noises. Also, the cat's nature is not as similar to our own as is the dog's. While the cat can of course be loved and even worshipped, it is harder to identify with than the dog is. Few cat lovers can look at a pet and think: He's just like me! Even physically, where a dog may take on a striking resemblance to his owner, the cat will remain ever himself, will make only the most necessary modulations in his behaviour so that he may communicate with his master. Cats have no intention of surrendering their individuality. They are supremely (and inspiringly) confident of themselves, of their completeness, of -their profound understanding of the universal order.
However, when a cat needs to communicate it seems to make no difference who the listener is - the cat will try and will often succeed in getting the message across. W. A. Hudson tells the story of a cat who was raised with a puppy who became her closest friend. This cat was unusually small. When she had a litter of kittens, she found it difficult to carry them in her mouth. One day, for reasons known only to her, she suddenly judged her nest unsuitable, and a move to a new place became top priority in her life

psychic telepathic messages of cats

Cats often appear nonchalant and abstracted because they don't depend on mere physical senses. Cats don't need to confirm the telepathic messages they receive. The cat is, as we have said, a total receiving organism - it is constantly receiving information at all points of its body and mind. That is why the cat sometimes seems the most schizophrenic of all creatures: it is at once sensual and hedonistic, aloof and cerebral. One moment, your cat can roll with pleasure at your gentle touch; the next he can be poised near the window, his ears flicking to messages only he can hear.
The cat divides his life between two worlds, and most strike a balance brilliantly. Our cats always seem to be dozing at the exact spot on the rug where the sun is the warmest - yet these same sensual creatures spend a portion of each day tuned in to messages which not only we can't hear but which remain a mystery to most other animals as well.
Cats are masters of foreknowledge, and our ability to heed the felines predictions can either be amusing or fife-saving. My cat Loretta, great-granddaughter of Alex, was uncanny in her ability to know whether the phone was ringing to herald a personal call or a business call. Loretta, a bit of an anarchist, would never respond to a business call, but if the call was personal Loretta would rush towards the ringing phone, and pace back and forth before it until I answered. When the person calling happened to be someone Loretta was fond of, she'd jump on the telephone table and touch the ringing instrument with the tip of her nose

cats psychic awareness

This does not mean that the cat is not a suitable or a loving pet. If you are going to have a truly close relationship with your cat, you must adopt your cat's ways of communication - and these are almost wholly psychic. Unlike a dog, you don't get close to a cat by rolling around on the floor with it, or throwing it sticks to chase (though many cats certainly enjoy both of these activities.) You will not even grow close to your cat by doing the things for it that it so manifestly demands - such as stroking it, feeding it, supplying it with catnip, and giving it the most luxurious spots to lounge and doze in. Your cat will definitely be pleased with all of these considerations; but if this is all your relationship consists of, it will be a limited one. The true closeness must come from a different direction: it must come from the psychic realm. True companionship with a cat is based on telepathic communication.
It is often said that cats are the most psychic of all the animals, more closely attuned to human thought and the natural order than even dogs. I see no reason to enter into this old dog-v.-cat argument. All animals are psychic, and each species has a more profound psychic level than any human could hope to understand. However, to some people the private ways of the cat may be misread as a kind of inattention. Compared with dogs, most cats seem a little anti-social, but it is this very aloofness which connects the cat so profoundly to the world of the unseen.
The cat is descended from solitary hunters (rather than from pack animals). This nature has caused it to depend to an extraordinary degree on its psychic abilities. Cats are designed for total awareness it is their nature to respond to the slightest stimuli with utmost confidence and a complete lack of hesitation. This is true of cats in the wild, and it is true of domesticated cats as we've been told. A very highly regarded feline behaviourist and veterinarian once said to me, `The cat is a very psychic animal - it has to be, for survival. Its existence depends on acute psychic awareness

psychic animals

An English magazine called Tomorrow reports the same kind of phenomenon, but having to do with a cat's sensing a human's psychic distress call. A cat named Bill, devoted to his master, stayed home while his owner went traveling some distance. The man, badly hurt in a railway accident died in a hospital a few days later.
He was buried near the hospital, and at the interment the man's brother saw Bill there.
Bill, the faithful and clairvoyant cat, had known what - had happened and had made the journey to be near his master. The cat went to the edge of the grave, looked at the coffin, and then, sadly, turned and went back home.
Since humans first stood face to face and looked long into the eyes of the feline, with its vertical pupil and endless multicoloured depth, the cat has reminded us of the supernatural. The cat has always been associated with those parts of the universe which we humans fail to understand. When humans were closer to and still more or less remembered their animal (psychic) origins, it was not at all uncommon for psychic animals to be worshipped as gods.
Dogs, crocodiles species of birds, were all taken to represent the universal order and the hidden, secret powers of the universe. But no animal has been worshipped quite so fervently as the cat. In ancient Egypt, anyone known to have killed a cat was himself put to death.
For some, the quiet, secret grace of the cat may have been emblematic of all that was unknown in the universe; others may have been able to actually plumb the depths of the feline character, discovering all kinds of marvellous and astounding powers. It is interesting to note that as we drifted further and further from our origins further from the animal kingdom, and developed our rational, logical explanations of the universe, worship of animals turned into fear of animals.
Medieval communities literally lived in dread of the wilderness that surrounded them. (See Chapter 11 on animal transformation for a more detailed look at this fear.) Animal nature, rather than being looked up to and learned from, became synonymous with godlessness and depravity. The cat, once placed upon a pedestal and revered for its psychic powers and infinite grace, w;; transformed into an evil omen; frightening creature of the nigh: companion of the devil and the devil's handmaidens, witches. The night patrolled by the cat was the night of the human unconscious; the psychological space the cat stalked was that of the innate psychic powers which humans had abandoned within themselves as they rushed headlong into the modern age.
But while we may have suffered from the evolutionary drift away from our psychic powers, the most common housecat impresses us as being not very different from his ancient ancestors. Ages of living with humans seem to have changed the cat very little. Perhaps the cat intuitively knew the dangers of domesticity and has, therefore, always kept part of himself in reserve. Even the pudgiest, most pampered show-cat lets us know in a hundred different ways that he is still an untamed psychic creature, that he still primarily obeys a higher authority

psychic test: more cats

The Gaddises, who have done a great service to the investigation into the secret world of animals through their writings, report a cat whose sense of human time helped the United States effort during World War 11. This cat belonged to the governor of Idaho, whose wartime duty it was to make certain that local high school students showed up daily in the potato fields. When the governor's alarm clock broke, he found he didn't need a new one. His cat immediately assumed the unfailing responsibility of waking the governor every morning at seven o'clock sharp.
Dr Gustav Eckstein of the University of Cincinnati relates the story of Willy, a feline strangely fascinated by the game of Bingo. Every Monday evening Willy would leave home at precisely seven thirty, trot across town to the hospital where the Bingo games were held, and stay until nine forty-five, at which time he thought he should be heading home. Willy's fascination with the game of Bingo is interesting in itself, but his sense of a weekly schedule is truly amazing.
(The cat's ability to achieve absolute oneness with the universe will be detailed fully in our discussion `The Cosmic Compass.')
But now, because my schedule was keeping me away from home more and more, I decided to find Alex a feline friend. I got Alex a little kitten to avoid contests that seem inevitable between grown cats. Alex thought this was a perfectly wonderful idea and he took to `Monk' immediately. Monk, an energetic tabby, looked up to Alex and it was a great pleasure to see them wrestling together, and staring at the things which only cats seem to see. For a while, I feared I might be excluded, but this was not the case. Alex was still fast friends with me.
One Saturday morning, I had to go to the drugstore and Alex, of course, came along. When I went inside, Alex, as usual, waited outside the door. A few minutes later, I noticed Alex was in the store, running down the aisle towards me in a state of tremendous agitation. Meowing loudly, his tail flicking like a whip, he stood before me. I didn't know if I was imagining ii, but his eyes seemed bright with fear. I quickly put my purchase back on the shelf, picked up Alex, and took him outside. When I put him down, he began pacing back and forth, meowing louder and louder. Then he began to run - in the opposite direction from our house. He stopped: - in his tracks, meowed at me, and waited.
I knew Alex usually had a reason for doing the things he did and e so I followed him. Alex took me further and further from our house-, until we came to a yard. He darted into the yard and crawled under an old, white frame house. I followed him, got on my knees, and tried to see what he was so concerned about.
When my eves adjusted to the darkness, I saw Alex standing there over the motionless Monk. I reached under the building and laid my hand on Monk's chest. He was still breathing, but only slightly. There was blood on him; he'd been struck by a car.
I wish this story had a happy ending - but there was no saving the poor kitten. Yet my already immense respect for Alex grew even greater. How had he known the moment when disaster befell his friend Monk? What psychic distress signals had he received? And, if I had been more open, would I have `heard' Monk, too?

psychic test - mystery cats

In fact, I thought his survival mechanisms must have been a little off because he hadn't chosen a very likely candidate in his search for a suitable human companion. Nevertheless, I did give him a name Alexander, or Alex -just so I'd have something to call him while I attended to the real business at hand - which was, of course, finding the home to which he belonged.
As time went on, and I met with no success in finding his true owners, a curious but deniable soft spot for my little grey visitor appeared in my heart. Yet I was still determined to make his stay temporary.
Finally, I found a family who wanted Alex and I carried him the two blocks to their house. We said goodbye and I went off to my classes. When I returned home, Alex was waiting for me on the window sill. He ran down to greet me, making his prrt-prrt, and rubbing his arched back against my legs. I must admit I was glad to see him.
Still, I returned him to the family who'd adopted him and this time I didn't even say goodbye. Alex wasn't fooled by my outward behaviour. He knew I liked him -he knew it better, and even before, I did. That evening he was waiting for me. Again I took him back to the family - who was getting a little bored with the complicated courtship - and this continued for a solid week before I gave in and told Alex he could live with me permanently.
The first thing I learned from Alex was the tremendous affection and fidelity cats are capable of showing. Perhaps it was because he'd been a stray and wasn't happy with the idea of separation; but, in no time, Alex had fitted himself very neatly into my schedule. He followed me to campus every day and, to my surprise, was waiting for me in roughly the same spot each afternoon, though my schedule of classes was changeable. Alex, however, knew when I'd be there. Only once was he late, and I ,could see him streaking towards our spot on the common - like an Olympic runner doing the 500 metres
I was constantly amazed at how he seemed to know my daily schedule, though cat lovers know that felines have a knack for telling time. These cosmic creatures have intricate and unerring internal clocks. One black and white cat by the name of Gypsy is noted in the literature of the field. Gypsy's job was to wake his mistress at six forty-five every morning. However, when it was the season to switch to Daylight Saving Time, his mistress informed him, and Gypsy made the necessary adjustment

Psychic Cats test

Perhaps the most psychic test telepathic and mysterious of all animals, cats have been worshipped, feared, included in complicated rites and linked with strange superstitions. In fact, those who were once accused of witchery often were being accused only of consorting too closely with cats. To us, the cat, with his constant and unconscious grace, remains an ideal. There is not a ballerina alive who wouldn't want to move as fluidly as the most common housecat. The dexterity of the cat is a basis for certain schools of Oriental combat; and surely the Fastest Gun in Old Cheyenne would seem slow if his draw were compared to the lightning speed of a cat's most casual swipe! The cat remains a symbol for such medieval holidays as Halloween; cats find their intelligent, inscrutable faces on the covers of occult magazines; and their profiles are used to suggest terror in tales of the supernatural. Truly, no animal has inspired such outpourings of affection from humans as has the cat - but neither has any other household animal quite so many enemies.
I grew up in a family in which everyone liked dogs and the only cats we had lived in the barn. I never knew what they did there, except to catch mice and to sleep beneath the cows' noses on the coldest nights so they might be warmed by the soft, bovine breath. While I had a certain affection for cats, I also had the usual misconceptions about the feline spies which people who have not studied cats often have. I thought them disloyal, aloof, basically uninterested in human affairs. I don't exactly know what this says about me, but I wasn't terribly anxious to have a pet who was not loyal to me.
It wasn't until I went to college that I had my first real encounter with a cat - an encounter which lasted nine years. The cat in question - my first and all-important guide to the world of feline intelligence - picked me out in the late spring. He must have been only four or five months old, and as appealing as any of those cats whose pictures appear - usually with a ball of yarn, or wearing a gardening hat - on certain kinds of calendars. All grey, except for one white spot and a bit of white on the tip of his tail, this young cat had a somewhat Siamese body, yet a roundish face and a much fuller tail. There was no question that I found him appealing, yet there was also no question that I had no intention of keeping him.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

psychic test

how can you really know that you have psychic abilities?

some people are born naturally with this psychic powers and they just feel it, other has those powers but dont even know it.

the best place to test it is the Psychic Test website

Saturday, June 27, 2009

psychic test: the magic

Remember representational systems? The idea that humans think in images, sounds, and feelings? While we're calling up images (a process called accessing), we're not able to look at what's going on in front of us. While we're listening to music, we're not able to remember our favorite song. While we're feeling our shoulders for tension, we're not aware of the touch of cloth against our skin. Seeing with the mind's eye and the physical eye are mutually exclusive processes. In Neuro Linguistic Programming, accessing -- thinking -- is called downtime, and obersving with the senses is labelled uptime. I run uptime as a meditation. Try this: for three minutes, look at the colors in front of you, the textures of surfaces, shapes... listen to the volume and pitch of all sounds in your vicinity... feel the surface you're sitting on, your hand touching something in front of you... The next time you generate an internal image, talk to yourself, feel your stomach tightening -- notice the difference. It's the difference between accessing and observing, downtime and uptime, external and internal reality. One thing that I notice about uptime is that it links to the concept 'sacred'. When I take a walk by the river, I watch the water rippling over rocks, listen to the white noise of the current, feel the moist air touching my skin. I bring myself out of my own internal creations and allow myself to live in the world. Another thing I notice about uptime is that some people don't do it very much. Most of us drop into internal reality when our environment is unpleasant, and that's a very useful thing to be able to do. But then a lot of people forget to come back out-- come to their senses, literally -- and experience the world again. Such people are very difficult to talk to. When I have a conversation, I like my partner to be listening to what I say, and watching my body language. More often, my partner is accessing some internal meaning for, or response to, what I'm saying. That internal meaning may or may not have anything to do with what I'm communicating. It isn't possible to observe someone (with all senses) when we're accessing. It isn't possible to achieve rapport with a person we're not observing. One of the bases of magical group workings is rapport between the participants. Try this: the next time you have a conversation about magic, observe your partner. Watch for: body position and gestures. Often people I talk to demonstrate what they feel when they do magic. [A woman describing her circle method moved her hand from her forehead down toward her feet, from shoulder to shoulder, and from her heart straight in front of her -- gesturing the three energy poles a circle creates.] Listen for: sensory descriptions --"I saw, I heard, I felt." Learning to go into uptime at will, and differentiate our representations of reality from our observations, is perhaps the most useful magical skill we can posess. It provides the basis for a reality check; it helps us communicate our experiences more effectively to others, and to help them duplicate what we do; and it is one of the most profound alterations of conasciousness.

Thanks to: Brandy Williams

psychic test: magic

In studying magic I've been exposed to a lot of related fields--history, mythology, music--which enrich my understanding of my vocation. One of the most helpful series of books I've encountered is a set of five volumes starting with The Structure of Magic I. and II. which focus on... psychology. John Grinder and Richard Bandler developed the field they called Neuro Linguistic Programming, or NLP. One reason I suggest everyone I know become familiar with it is that they've taught this stuff to salespeople, managers, Pentagon employees... I see their techniques on television commercials and read about them in seminar descriptions. NLP is a people manipulator par excellance, and I think it's important others are made aware of this. Another reason is that it's so incredibly useful. Consider this: "The meaning of a communication is the response you get." In their terms, an elegant phrase. It's changed my entire relationship with others. If I don't make myself clear, I don't blame the listener. I restate my case, maybe trying a different body language, a different representa-tional system, a little pacing... Representational system? Well, what senses do we use to explore the world? Sight--hearing--touch, and taste and smell to a much lesser extent. So how do we think? In images, sounds and feelings--or, in NLP terms, in visual, auditory and kinesthetic representational systems. What's interesting is that we all make images and sounds and feelings to store experience, but we're usually only conscious of using ONE system. The words we choose to describe our experi ences reflect that: "I'm not very fo cused and I can't see what you're saying." Or, "I've got a handle on the feeling that's been bugging me." Or, "I hear that, it sounds like it will work." Spend one hour listening to people and you can verify this. Now, if I say, "I just can't feel good about that," and the person I'm talking to says "I don't see what's wrong with it," my communication hasn't received the response I want. If I switch to my partner's most favored representational system and say, "Let me make that clear to you. It looks like a really bad situation," that's one way to match, or pace my partner. See what I mean? Or maybe that gives you a feel for thepower of this particular "psychology".What does any of this have to do with paganism or magic? For starters, I wonder how many circle conflicts could be solved by something as simple as accomodating each other's most favored rep. system. In a working circle, is someone having trouble visualizing a goal? Is someone else very good at constructing mental temples, but totally unable to feel when to release the energy? Put them together, get them to trade notes and teach each other; both skills are part of the same experience. When you direct rituals, do you always include something to see or imagine, hear or sing, feel--in the body or tactually? Do your rituals work for some people and not others? You might check to be sure you're satisfying everyone's most favored rep. system. The function of magic is the response you get.

Friday, June 26, 2009


At this point in human history, the Tribulation begins - aperiod so unparalleled in destruction that if Jesus should notreturn, mankind would cease to exist: Matthew 24:21,22 -"Forthen there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginningof the world until now--and never to be equaled. If those dayshad not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake ofthe elect those days will be shortened.", Jeremiah 30:7 - "Howawful that day will be! None will be like it. It will be a timeof trouble for Jacob, but he will be saved out of it.", Daniel12:1 - "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects yourpeople, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as hasnot happened from the beginning of nations until then. But atthat time your people--everyone whose name is found written inthe book--will be delivered.", Ezekiel 30:3 - "For the day isnear, the day of the LORD is near--a day of clouds, a time ofdoom for the nations.", Joel 2:31 - "The sun will be turned todarkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great anddreadful day of the LORD." The dreadful results of the tribulation are graphicallyportrayed in the Book of Revelation and will not be described indetail here. There are many good books which can go into detailfor those interested, but the end result is the loss of billionsof lives through famine, war, and natural disasters. Using thenumbers given in Revelation applied to the population of theearth today, this would result in the loss of four billion lives- truly a horrible picture. The Antichrist will persecute the Jews and the Christianswho will turn to Christ during that period. There will be someleft at the beginning of the Tribulation who refuse to worshipthe beast and receive his number. These were mentioned in thebeginning of this discussion. According to Revelation, an untoldnumber will accept Christ during this time and receivepersecution from the Antichrist and his followers - persecutioneven unto death. As the end draws near, Jesus will return as Hepromised, swiftly taking care of the Antichrist and his cohorts:Revelation 19:19,20 - "Then I saw the beast (the Antichrist) andthe kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to makewar against the rider on the horse and his. But the beast wascaptured, and with him the false prophet who had performed themiraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deludedthose who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped hisimage. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake ofburning sulfur." What began before the worlds were formed is finallyfinished, except for a footnote 1000 years later (Rev 20:7).Human history has ended. Good has triumphed over evil, in spiteof the goals, plans, and conspiracies of men. The other gods ofthis age and previous ages have fallen, and the true Lord reignsas every knee bows to acknowledge him as the true KING OF KINGSAND LORD OF LORDS.


He will appear during a time of a great falling away fromtraditional Judaeo-Christian values and religion, a period ofrebellion from these beliefs: II Thessalonians 2:3 - "Don't letanyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come untilthe rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, theman doomed to destruction." A worldwide religious system, notbased on these Judaeo-Christian values, will permeate the entireworld during this time, and the Antichrist will initially takeadvantage of it. Revelation 17 describes this false religiousentity. The beginning of the seven year tribulation period spoken ofthroughout both the Hebrew writings and the New Testament ininitiated when the Antichrist makes a covenant or treaty with thenation of Israel: Daniel 9:27 - "He will confirm a covenant withmany for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put anend to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] hewill set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the endthat is decreed is poured out on him." The Living Bible statesthis verse in this manner: "This king will make a seven-yeartreaty with the people, but after half that time, he will breakhis pledge and stop the Jews from all their sacrifices and theirofferings. Then, as a climax to all his terrible deeds, theEnemy shall utterly defile the sanctuary of God." At the midpoint of this time, the Antichrist will reveal histrue personality and plans. He will commit the "abomination ofdesolation" spoken of by Daniel and by Jesus as he sits himselfin the Temple in Jerusalem and demands worship as God: Daniel 9:27 He will confirm a covenant with many for one 'seven.' In the middle of the 'seven' he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And on a wing [of the temple] he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. Daniel 11:31 "His armed forces will rise up to desecrate the temple fortress and will abolish the daily sacrifice. Then they will set up the abomination that causes desolation. Daniel 12:11 "From the time that the daily sacrifice is abolished and the abomination that causes desolation is set up, there will be 1,290 days. Matthew 24:15 "So when you see standing in the holy place 'the abomination that causes desolation,' spoken of through the prophet Daniel--let the reader understand- Mark 13:14 "When you see 'the abomination that causes desolation' standing where it does not belong--let the reader understand--then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. At this juncture, the mid-point of the seven-yeartribulation, the true tribulation events begin. Until now, theprior three and a half years have been very calm. Now the finalhalf begins - what is known in the Bible as the "Wrath of God",or the "Day of the Lord". Our God is a merciful, kind God whogives every man every chance to repent and change his heart if itdoes not conform to the Word of God. However, the Word is fullof warnings regarding the consequences of not following God'scommandment to do so. God, although He is merciful, will notallow those with sinful hearts to enter into His Kingdom. As aresult, there will be a point in time when it will be too latefor them: II Thessalonians 2:10-12 - "And in every sort of evilthat deceives those who are perishing. They perish because theyrefused to love the truth and so be saved. For this reason Godsends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie.And so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truthbut have delighted in wickedness."


By searching the scriptures, we can paint a mosaic of thepersonality of this end time figure. A troubled society producesthe atmosphere for a dictator, and his personality will draw mostof the people of the world to him. We are told in Daniel that hewill be a master of intrigue, he will succeed in whatever hedoes, he will be completely wicked and "stern-faced", and he willdestroy many: Daniel 8:23-25 - "In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have become completely wicked, a stern-faced king, a master of intrigue, will arise. He will become very strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he does. He will destroy the mighty men and the holy people. He will cause deceit to prosper, and he will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power." However, it must be understood that when this man appears,he will not appear "stern-faced" at the beginning. He willappear the opposite - a man of peace, love, and concern for theworld. His emergence will be that of a benevolent dictator, withthe unity of mankind most likely being his theme. He will appearas the Savior who is promised or vaguely imagined in allconfessions and traditions, who will judge according to themeasure of worldly people. Everything about this great deceiverwill be so good, reasonable, and acceptable that one will have tohave very good reason and a lot of courage to remain calm andnegative about him against all public opinion and against awhirlwind of enthusiasm. He will be the epitome of deceptionand his machinations will not be realized by the world until hisreign is half completed. It is difficult to not compare him withHitler, another dictator of our time. When he first came topower, he so mesmerized the people of his time and country thatthey literally worshipped him. William Shirer, author of TheRise and Fall of the Third Reich wrote, "Today, as far as thevast majority of his fellow-countrymen are concerned, he (Hitler)has reached a pinnacle never before achieved by a German ruler.He has become - even before his death - a myth, a legend, almosta god..." He will acknowledge no god other than the material ones:Daniel 11:37,38 - "He will show no regard for the gods of hisfathers or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard anygod, but will exalt himself above them. Instead of them, he willhonor a god of fortresses; a god unknown to his fathers he willhonor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costlygifts." He will be boastful: Daniel 7:8 - "While I was thinkingabout the horns, there before me was another horn, a little one,which came up among them; and three of the first horns wereuprooted before it. This horn had eyes like the eyes of a man anda mouth that spoke boastfully." As Daniel 11:37 states, "He willexalt himself above all other people and values."


There is a great deal of scripture which gives a gooddescription of world at the time of the Antichrist. He willarrive on the scene at a time when the world will hail him as theanswer to the problems of a troubled society. What will make theworld so quick to accept a virtual dictator? Many have felt thata war which comes close to reaching global proportions may makemankind realize that a one world government is all that canprevent a global holocaust. Others have thought that when thebelievers disappear at the time of the rapture, all of the"negative thinkers" will at last be gone and no longer will be inthe way of a humanistic utopia and unity will be assured.Whatever the cause, there is some restraining force which must beremoved before the Antichrist can come upon the scene. Thatmoment is controlled by God, since He is the author of allevents. II Thessalonians 2:2-7 - "Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come. Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God. Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things. And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way." What is this "one who now holds it back" which will need tobe taken out of the way? Many have said that it is the HolySpirit which will be removed from the earth at the time of therapture of the church. This would leave evil in the worldunopposed by the Spirit of God, so evil would then become rampantand cause the world of lawlessness and rebellion described as thetime of the end. Theologically, I question this, although I usedto ascribe to that theory. Rather, I believe the Holy Spiritwill still be on earth to guide and comfort the "great multitude"of Revelation 7:14 who will come to salvation out of the greattribulation. Regardless, the time of the Antichrist iscontrolled by God, and he will not come forth until the stage isready in God's plan.