Friday, June 26, 2009

psychic test: Chinese cosmology

In Chinese cosmology, which Japanese is based on too, the source ofeverything is _tao_, the universal law. From _tao_ comes _one_ which isexistence. From it form two powers, ying and yang, which are both oppositeof each other and filling each other. The interaction of ying and yangcreates _ki_, so that these two becomes three. _Ki_ is the "immaterialbreathing", which Lao Tzu wrote about. It is in many shapes, from lightto granite. Even immobile matter is built from very dense _ki_, just likeevery matter is formed of particles of energy.So, how three becomes "ten thousand"?According to the old philosophy _ki_ appears in five forms of energy,which are called the five elements. They are fire, earth, metal, waterand tree. Each of those have their own special characteristics, whichbecome visible in some of the "ten thousand" things or beings.For example flora belongs mostly to the tree element and stones andminerals to the metal element. Every one of the ten thousand thingsor beings of nature has some kind of combination of _ying_ and _yang_and an unique combination of the five elements, which forms "the real_ki_" of the thing or being.

"Tao becomes one,one becomes two,two becomes three andthree becomesten thousand.Behind existence of every itemis a shadow,in front of it is lightand as stabilizer isimmaterial breathing." -- Lao Tzu: Tao Te Chiang

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