Thanks to: Brandy Williams
Saturday, June 27, 2009
psychic test: the magic
Thanks to: Brandy Williams
psychic test: magic
Friday, June 26, 2009
At this point in human history, the Tribulation begins - aperiod so unparalleled in destruction that if Jesus should notreturn, mankind would cease to exist: Matthew 24:21,22 -"Forthen there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginningof the world until now--and never to be equaled. If those dayshad not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake ofthe elect those days will be shortened.", Jeremiah 30:7 - "Howawful that day will be! None will be like it. It will be a timeof trouble for Jacob, but he will be saved out of it.", Daniel12:1 - "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects yourpeople, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as hasnot happened from the beginning of nations until then. But atthat time your people--everyone whose name is found written inthe book--will be delivered.", Ezekiel 30:3 - "For the day isnear, the day of the LORD is near--a day of clouds, a time ofdoom for the nations.", Joel 2:31 - "The sun will be turned todarkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great anddreadful day of the LORD." The dreadful results of the tribulation are graphicallyportrayed in the Book of Revelation and will not be described indetail here. There are many good books which can go into detailfor those interested, but the end result is the loss of billionsof lives through famine, war, and natural disasters. Using thenumbers given in Revelation applied to the population of theearth today, this would result in the loss of four billion lives- truly a horrible picture. The Antichrist will persecute the Jews and the Christianswho will turn to Christ during that period. There will be someleft at the beginning of the Tribulation who refuse to worshipthe beast and receive his number. These were mentioned in thebeginning of this discussion. According to Revelation, an untoldnumber will accept Christ during this time and receivepersecution from the Antichrist and his followers - persecutioneven unto death. As the end draws near, Jesus will return as Hepromised, swiftly taking care of the Antichrist and his cohorts:Revelation 19:19,20 - "Then I saw the beast (the Antichrist) andthe kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to makewar against the rider on the horse and his. But the beast wascaptured, and with him the false prophet who had performed themiraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deludedthose who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped hisimage. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake ofburning sulfur." What began before the worlds were formed is finallyfinished, except for a footnote 1000 years later (Rev 20:7).Human history has ended. Good has triumphed over evil, in spiteof the goals, plans, and conspiracies of men. The other gods ofthis age and previous ages have fallen, and the true Lord reignsas every knee bows to acknowledge him as the true KING OF KINGSAND LORD OF LORDS.
There has been much speculation regarding the origin of theAntichrist and only a cursory reference will be made here. Manyhave felt he will come out of a revived Europe, and with theUnited States of Europe soon to be a reality, this hasstrengthened their views. Some have believed he may come fromSyria, based on scriptures from Isaiah and Micah. I tend tosupport the first theory because there is much more scripturesustaining that argument.
psychic test: who is the Antichrist
the answer to psychic test
special thanks to: Hurn
psychic test: MODERN ALCHEMY
HISTORY OF ALCHEMY at psychic test
ALCHEMY: psychic test
Abraxas psychic test: good evil and
psychic test: Chinese cosmology
"Tao becomes one,one becomes two,two becomes three andthree becomesten thousand.Behind existence of every itemis a shadow,in front of it is lightand as stabilizer isimmaterial breathing." -- Lao Tzu: Tao Te Chiang
psychic test: the 7 rays
psychic test: Astrology Prophet
psychic test: more astrology
psychic test: astrology
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
psychic test: UFO
In a recent interview, Sarbacher, now head of the Washington Institute of Technology, confirmed those remarks. He says that during his period of government service as one of a number of government scientists who served largely as volunteers, he was told that the vehicles were composed of an "extremely light and very tough" material, apparently intended to withstand tremendous acceleration and deceleration. At one point, Sarbacher says, he was even invited to a meeting at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, where officials related their findings to scientists connected with the Research and Development Board. Sarbacher had other commitments and did not attend the meeting, but he says that those who did, including Bush and noted mathematician John von Neumann, were told that the vehicles appeared to be spaceships from another solar system.
Asked about his reaction to the episode, Sarbacher seems oddly blase. He admits he hasn't given much thought to a matter mostpeople would consider extraordinary -- he considers it simply acurious event in the course of a long scientific career. "Afterall," he says, "I had -- and have -- a great many more pressingscientific responsibilities. I wish I could refer you to someonewho was more directly involved than I was," he adds. "Unfortunately, they're all long gone."
Writer William Moore, who has been chasing government UFO secretsfor years, considers Sarbacher's testimony significant. "It's the first time someone with a reputation has come forward to state publicly that the Pentagon has a recovered UFO," he says."This isn't proof, of course, but it fits in with information wehave from other sources." Informed of these claims, Temple University history professor David M. Jacobs, author of THE UFO CONTROVERSY IN AMERICA, admits Sarbacher's credentials areimpressive but observes, "Until somebody can produce an actualcrashed saucer, this is hearsay evidence. And how can he talk so casually about something that would have to be the most sensational event in all of history?"
psychic test: unknown source, the true is still out there... will continue to update !
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
psychic test: ufo
A number of cars on US route 119 observed what they thought was anaircraft coming down out of the sky and looked like it was going tomake a crash landing in the middle of the highway. Cars coming fromboth directions observed it. It had green lights, six to eight lights,larger than normal navigational lights, none flashing. Observed for30-40 seconds then from each direction there was like a bend comingaround and right at the spot where they lost sight of it. When theyall came around the bend the hillside was on fire indicating thatit had crashed on a real steep embankment. People stopped on bothsides of the road to climb up the embankment to put out the fire thinkingthat an airplane had crashed, but there was no crash and the objectjust disappeared. There was a nine foot diameter fire on top of thehill. The report went into Emergency Service as an airplane crash.They went up on the hill the next day and found two burnt circles,samples have been taken and are presently at the lab. What was unusualabout it was the fire was put out very quickly but after 15 hoursof the incident the area where the fire had been still had warm stonesbut outside that area the stones were cold. One witness was comingfrom California and was an air traffic controller. He stated he wouldsign a statement stating that what he saw was not a conventional aircraftand it was double tiered object with eight to ten green lights andwhatever it was was not a normal aircraft.
It`s all about psychic test
Monday, June 15, 2009
psychic test: real aliens telepathically
"It is difficult for me to describe my feelings. But I feelthat for me and others the contactee experience has opened up awindow on the many mysteries that have gone unanswered for manycenturies."
"It started in 1959 when I was 14. With my family, I wasliving in a township near East St. Louis, Illinoise. We kidsused to play in an old, abandoned train depot near the house.
"One evening while I was alone and looking down the tracks, Inoticed a glow coming from a distance. At first I thought it wasa train, but it didn't move and I got curious. I started walkingdown the tracks toward the glow."
"I got within 50 feet of what looked like a round, metalliccraft sitting right on the tracks. Three beings stood around it.They were about 4 feet tall with rather large heads and no hair.Their eyes were larger than normal;the noses were very small.They had small mouths. As I approached the beings seemed tostare at me, making no moves."
"I became frightened and tried to hide in a gulley which ranalongside the tracks. The beings turned to face me, stillstaring. I could feel their eyes in my head! While watching thecraft in a prone position, I was struck in the head by a bluebeam of light from the craft, and rendered unconscious. Later Iawoke but the craft and beings were gone. I had the impressionthey had done something to me..."
"Since that time there have been other incidents. Abouteight years ago, while I was taking my son to the movies, my carwas bumped violently from behind while I was waiting at a stoplight. There were no other cars near at the time. When welooked behind, there was nothing there."
"When I arrived home I examined the rear of the car. On thetrunk could be seen five round marks arranged in a circularfashion, each about the size of half-dollar coins. The paint hadbeen 'erased' in those areas.
"About two years later, while working as a guard at a localcollege in the hills, I was sitting in my car at the bottom of ahill, while another guard was on duty at the top. Later he toldme he had seen a blue ball of light over my car, and watched itwhile it flew away. He described it as the size of a basketball.I was unaware of what was happening, but did have the impressionmy memory was being scanned. Different memories were coming tomind, even of childhood times.
"One night about three years later, I was in the living roomwatching television. It was about 2:30 a.m. Suddenly the TVstarted acting funny, and a kind of static charge seemed to fillthe room. Then a huge wind hit the house. It felt like it wasgoing to tear the house apart! I felt like there was some hugeobject right over the house-I was petrified and couldn't leavethe chair. It stopped after a few minutes. Later we found theTV antennae had been damaged.
"Recently there have been other strange incidents of psychic test in myhouse. Knocks come from the walls and roof. Things pop off thewalls at times. All during this time I have had what I believeis telepathic communication with alien beings, who tell methey're from the 'Association of Planets' who started life onthis planet and others. They have mastered what we call geneticengineering and can create any life form they please by arrangingDNA cells. They have powerful mental abilities and can moveobjects by thought alone. They control the human mind byimplanting suggestions, making a person think an objects therewhen it's not, or making it invisble when it's there! It's doneby controlling aspects of the brain.
"It was decided they would build a whole new world on earth.Association scientists got together and decided what life formswould be here, and arrangements were made to create ones to fitin with the various climates on the planet. They wanted abalance where no one life form would dominate. One planetlearder named Lucifer did not agree with this arrangement and hada dispute with the High Council...
"Life was eventually planted on Earth. Scientistsexperimented with different life forms, and some of them didn'twork out...eventually it was decided that the intelligent form oflife would be human in appearance. Different races of humantypes in the Association wanted the first humans on earth toresemble them. The human races were each allowed to plant a manand woman that resembled them in different regions on Earth, anda sophisticated civilzation developed, along with advancedscience.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
psychic test: seti and real aliens
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Psychic Test: What Is Wicca ?
In prehistoric times, people respected the great forces of Nature and celebrated the cycles of the seasons and the moon. They saw divinity in the sun and moon, in the Earth Herself, and in all life.
The creative energies of the universe were personified: feminine and masculine principles became Goddesses and Gods. These were not semi-abstract, superhuman figures set apart from Nature: they were embodied in earth and sky, women and men, and even plants and animals.
This viewpoint is still central to present-day Wicca. To most Wiccans, everything in Natures -- and all Goddesses and Gods -- are true aspects of Deity. The aspects most often celebrated in the Craft, however, are thr Triple Goddess of the Moon (Who is Maiden, Mother, and Crone) and the Horned God of the wilds. These have many names in various cultures. Wicca had its organized beginnings in Paleolithic times, co-existed with other Pagan ("country") religions in Europe, and had a profound influence on early Christianity. But in the medieval period, tremendous persecution was directed against the Nature religions by the Roman Church.
Over a span of 300 years, millions of men and women and many children were hanged, drowned or burned as accused "Witches." The Church indicted them for black magic and Satan worship, though in fact these were never a part of the Old Religion.
The Wiccan faith went underground, to be practiced in small, secret groups called "covens." For the most part, it stayed hidden until very recent times. Now scholars such as Margaret Murray and Gerald Gardner have shed some light on the origins of the Craft, and new attitudes of religious freedom have allowed covens in some areas to risk becoming more open.
How do Wiccan folk practice their faith today? There is no central authority or doctrine, and individual covens vary a great deal. But most meet to celebrate on nights of the Full Moon, and at eight great festivals or Sabbats throughout the year.
Though some practice alone or with only their families, many Wiccans are organized into covens of three to thirteen members. Some are led by a High Priestess or Priest, many by a Priestess/Priest team; others rotate or share leadership. Some covens are highly structured and hierarchical, while others may be informal and egalitarian. Often extensive training is required before initiation, and coven membership is considered an important committment.
There are many branches or "traditions" of Wicca in the United States and elsewhere, such as the Gardnerian, Alexandrian, Welsh Traditional, Dianic, Faery, Seax-Wicca and others. All adhere to a code of ethics. None engage in the disreputable practices of some modern "cults," such as isolating and brainwashing impressionable, lonely young people. Genuine Wiccans welcome sisters and brothers, but not disciples, followers or victims.
Coven meetings include ritual, celebration and magick (the "k" is to distinguish it from stage illusions). Wiccan magick is not at all like the instant "special effects" of cartoon shows or fantasy novels, nor medieval demonology; it operates in harmony with natural laws and is usually less spectacular -- though effective. Various techniques are used to heal people and animals, seek guidance, or improve members' lives in specific ways. Positive goals are sought: cursing and "evil spells" are repugnant to practitioners of the Old Religion. Wiccans tend to be strong supporters of environmental protection, equal rights, global peace and religious freedom, and sometimes magick is used toward such goals.
Wiccan beliefs do not include such Judeao-Christian concepts as original sin, vicarious atonement, divine judgement or bodily resurrection. Craft folk believe in a beneficent universe, the laws of karma and reincarnation, and divinity inherent in every human being and all of Nature. Yet laughter and pleasure are part of their spiritual tradition, and they enjoy singing, dancing, feasting, and love.
Wiccans tend to be individualists, and have no central holy book, prophet, or church authority. They draw inspiration and insight from science, and personal experience. Each practitioner keeps a personal book or journal in which s/he records magickal "recipes," dreams, invocations, songs, poetry and so on.
To most of the Craft, every religion has its own valuable perspective on the nature of Deity and humanity's relationship to it: there is no One True Faith. Rather, religious diversity is necessary in a world of diverse societies and individuals. Because of this belief, Wiccan groups do not actively recruit or proseletize: there is an assumption that people who can benefit from the Wiccan way will "find their way home" when the time is right.
Despite the lack of evangelist zeal, many covens are quite willing to talk with interested people, and even make efforts to inform their communities about the beliefs and practices of Wicca.
By: Amber K, High Priestess