Wednesday, September 30, 2009

psychic test - thoughts

Thought watching is a mystical activity I learned from Satguru Subramunia. It is only spiritual people that can ultimately be successful at this because the ego hides many things from your conscious mind that are not pleasant to you. Only from ruthless fearless inner scrutiny and relentless ...

If you visualize someone's picture strongly you 'call' that person. 'Dead' or alive. It doesn't matter whether it is pixels or paper. What matters is the forming and holding of the image in your mind. It is also helpful to recall the sound of their voice. Say their name. Theres no good way to explain it. I wouldn't believe it myself if I did not have certain experiences in yoga. The experiences show you it IS possible so you know your not wasting your time. The practice of concentration, holding your mind to one thing or idea/your attention span fixated on one thing however takes great skill as well as manipulating the third eye.
Its sort of like it is much easier to understand what other people are saying in another language. But it is much more difficult to speak yourself in that language because you lack confidence. In the same way, not having psychic experiences a person only half believes in what they are doing by visualizing someone. This confidence is a great boost. Then, you get a knack for it by practice which again is a big help. Many things influence your success that are outside of your control. If the person is beginning to go to sleep you have the best chance of success. In waking consciousness, your inner voice is basically shouting so loud you can not perceive anything else.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

psychic test - psychology

The subconscious is like a little dog that follows the conscious mind around. It operates 24 hours a day everyday until you 'die'. Like animals, the subconscious mind has no sense of humor whatsoever. Worse, it has no clue what humor is. It is the part of the brain that 'gets the joke'. But it is the left brain that generates laughter. If you speak ironically/satirically/or are facious, you do yourself no favors. All this does is confuse the subconscious. If you say something like 'I will fix this if I can.' This is a demonstration of your inability of how the subconscious works. The subconscious has no clue what to do with such a combination of words. What does 'if I can' mean? You have to give it statements like I will do this. Or I will not do this. Never say something like, 'I always forget what that word means.' The subconscious takes everything you say verbatim. By saying that you actually reinforce a behavior you do not like so that it will happen exactly the same way in the future.
If you are around people that drink and you are not drinking and do not want drink, you have to very carefully watch what you think/put into your subconscious because it is likely that you will develop the subconscious desire to drink at some point in the future. These desires are called samskaras in yoga. Subconscious desires. If you do not monitor it, you may in the future be provided the opportunity to drink and because you are unaware of a lurking subconscious desire you put in your brain earier (or many of them) you will have to suppress the desire. You can only do this for so long. The way to not supress desires (become subject to karma) is to understand your thoughts. Repressions can not stand the light of understanding. Once understood, they evaporate. If you do not put the wrong thoughts in your mind to start with, they will not crop up in the first place in the future to begin with. psychic reading

Sunday, September 27, 2009

psychic test - subconscious

Not only does the subconscious make sense of the events of the day in terms of all your experiences in life, the unconscious past-life experiences are then updated with this new data from that days experiences. Karma is dispersed/desires that cause re-birth undone. But in those same experiences are the fresh seed so new desires/karma. In this way the soul makes sense out of incarnations and evolves. The same thing happens when a person believes they are going to die. Their life 'flashes before their eyes.' The soul does an accounting via the subconscious (and unconscious) of remaining desires/karma yet needed to be satisfied - it takes a snapshot of what may need to go to seed in the astral body at death. Superconsciousness of the soul does not take place in time and space. It operates at infinite 'speed.' Note that in clinical psychology the use of the word unconscious now refers to the brain stem and lower animal brain. Here I refer to the unconscious in the sense Carl Jung uses it more or less. Psychology has seen fit to remove the word subconscious from them also. I guess all those hypnotists out there and the mesmerism that preceeded it was all false/wrong...... It doesn't matter how cute (stupid) psychology gets, it is now the right brain hemisphere - a fact I strongly doubt psychologists even know themselves. Stupidity abounds.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

psychic test analog devices

There is no limit to how much you can learn by understanding that you are 2 people. Your right brain is your subconscious that does not use words and is where intuition from the soul (superconsciousness) filters through - because this part of the brain is not saddled with cumbersome words. Stated another way, intuition comes through the subconscious. Understanding happens in the subconscious and then the conscious mind attempts to read the word label off the bucket the image match happened. The conscious mind is the left hemisphere of the brain and is responsible for language and laughter. It is an OUTPUT device only. Just like you printer is clunky and slow - so is your conscious mind saddled with words. The right brain/subconscious is an analog device - it is continuous and not discrete. It can operate at enormous speeds as soon as the clunky conscious mind gets out of the way in sleep.
The left hemisphere of the brain is the conscious mind and this is what needs to be rested in sleep. (not exactly, the subconscious fills up and creates a need to sort out the data for the soul to make sense out of it and it can only do so when the clunky conscious mind gets out of the way. The subconscious never rests.) The same problem crops up in concentration and meditation. If you take a piece of paper and punch a small hole in it and do the same with another sheet of paper, one sheet can be thought of as the conscious mind and the other the subconscious mind. To be successful in meditation both the conscious mind and subconscious mind must work together. Seen in these terms, the 2 holes i n the sheet of paper must line up for you to 'see'. The goal then becomes lining up the 2 holes and this takes steadying the mind/not moving around/jumping from thought to thought. In sleep the subconscious makes sense out of the events of the day for the soul. This is like a good meal for the soul to evolve with. psychic test

Friday, September 25, 2009

psychic test - understanding people

So we may recall a dream we had the night before (understanding in the right brain of images) - proceed to congradulate ourselves at having done so - only to return to the memory and find it GONE! Why does this happen? Because the follow-on images from the image we recalled have no corresponding words associated with them. So the conscious mind looks for images based on conscious logic. Not dream logic/wordless logic. It fails and we can not remember any more.
Further, things can happen in dreams at an enormous rate of speed. Sometimes we have a dream and the knowledge filters down through the subconscious in days or weeks or even months (then we have deja vu because we have no clue how we 'we have been there before.') From Thought Mechanics I show that when a pattern match is found with the pattern-matching algorithm holographically comes up with a match - 'understanding' takes place. It 'dawns' on us what a thing is. That is why deja vu is this experience. We understand something. We 're - cognize' something. Unfortunately, the thing we understand happened long ago and the conscious mind can no longer make the association/connection. When we see a building or something, for whatever reason, this triggers a dream-logic image sequence. Understanding happens and we are perplexed consciously and mistake the understanding that happens with the building as one of having been there before.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

psychic test - meaning of dreams

In deep sleep you are not at the same vibratory rate for them to tune into. Healing has a chance of greater success because the person may be in bed resting in a semi-awake state and receptive to you. By so-called imagination, you can heal someone. There is no such thing as 'imagination.' That word should be thrown out of our vocabulary. If you imagine something you create it. You just don't create it on the physical plane. Before you move your arm consciously, you must think it/imagine doing it. This thinking of doing it is action on the astral plane. The astral arm moves and as a result the physical arm responds. Phantom limb has to do with this as well.
We spend 1/3 of our lives in the astral world/dream world and yet it is given no reality. In my post Thought Mechanics I show what transpires in thinking. The same holds for dreaming. Dreaming is (can be) wordless/happen at enormous speeds - what people call 'deep dreamless sleep' - there is no such thing. In deep sleep we are at a rate of vibration so high we are disconnected with the physical plane. REM does not show up. If a transformer is placed on a table with a penny and it vibrates 50 (Europe) or 60 (US) cycles per second, it buzzes noisily. But if you increase the rate of vibration to one million CPS the penny appears not to move at all.
In dream we move through images only/there is no need for cumbersome words. Recollection of dreams leads to bizarre explanations of our actions in dreams. Dream logic is not the same as conscious logic. It is far more accurate because to use a word is to stuff an image into a box no matter how well it fits/something is lost in the translation from image(s) to words.
more information: meaning of dreams

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

psychic test - mental picture

If you visualize someone's picture strongly you 'call' that person. 'Dead' or alive. It doesn't matter whether it is pixels or paper. What matters is the forming and holding of the image in your mind. It is also helpful to recall the sound of their voice. Say their name. Theres no good way to explain it. I wouldn't believe it myself if I did not have certain experiences in yoga. The experiences show you it IS possible so you know your not wasting your time. The practice of concentration, holding your mind to one thing or idea/your attention span fixated on one thing however takes great skill as well as manipulating the third eye.
Its sort of like it is much easier to understand what other people are saying in another language. But it is much more difficult to speak yourself in that language because you lack confidence. In the same way, not having psychic experiences a person only half believes in what they are doing by visualizing someone. This confidence is a great boost. Then, you get a knack for it by practice which again is a big help. Many things influence your success that are outside of your control. If the person is beginning to go to sleep you have the best chance of success. In waking consciousness, your inner voice is basically shouting so loud you can not perceive anything else.